Hi, I'm Fabienne!

As a Personal Transformation & Holistic Wellness Expert, I help professionals with big dreams to transcend their limits and effortlessly achieve their goals, ensuring a faster path to success.

Certified in Medical Intuition and Qigong, I’ve helped hundreds of clients with incredible potential to release the root causes of their doubts, overwhelm, and health issues, enabling them to pursue their dreams more swiftly.

My Story Might Echo Yours

Does this sound familiar to you? 

A while back, I was feeling stuck and overwhelmed, constantly exhausted. Despite having big dreams and real ambitions, I found myself trapped, frustrated by how far I was from the life I dreamed of. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of being lost—far from my dream life filled with joy, fulfillment, and passion, a sentiment that might resonate deeply with you.

Things changed when...

Truth be told, I never imagined I'd be where I am today!

The reason I got into this work was because a while back, I was struggling with severe body inflammations that left me unable to work and care for my family. The most frustrating part? Doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, which made me feel so lost and desperate for answers. I hit rock bottom, feeling devastated, hopeless, and utterly powerless.

So, I know how painful it can be.

Then, one day, something shifted. As I questioned whether a solution was possible, I finally decided to listen to this inner guidance telling me "If you're unhappy with your reality, it's time to change your beliefs and your perspective on life."

Following my intuition, I dedicated myself to becoming healthier and happier. Along this healing journey, I uncovered a potent healing technique that eradicated my pain, exhaustion, and mystery illness. And I am so glad I did!

Fast forward to today, and life is beautiful! I wake up feeling healthy, energized, and excited about the day ahead every morning.

I also discovered I had an innate gift: the power to understand the energies around me. This meant I could intuitively understand the deeper emotional and energetic patterns that influence a person's health and happiness, offering a path to healing that is as profound as it is personal.

Now I help people like you ...

By tuning into my inner voice, I healed my body, unlocked my intuitive gifts, and discovered my life's purpose. Now, I dedicate myself to assisting ambitious individuals in effortlessly achieving their goals using the same unique and powerful technique that transformed my life. By sharing this strategy and adapting it to fit each person's journey, I've had the honor of witnessing incredible transformations unfold.


We can change your future by...

Together, we can change your future by tapping into your untapped potential and guiding you toward the realization of your dreams. If you're tired of feeling stuck and are ready to embrace change, I'm here to show you the way.

Let's embark on this journey together, transforming challenges into stepping stones toward the life you've always envisioned.


About The Method

Don't let fears or life's challenges hold you back.

Let's start creating your success story!

Are you ready?

By transforming my life from being sick, depressed, and exhausted into becoming a vibrant, healthy intuitive healing mentor and solo entrepreneur with renewed clarity and passion, I've learned valuable secrets along the way. Now, I teach others how to create holistic well-being and reach their goals in every aspect of life.

Instant Reality Shift Method:
A catalyst for rapid and lasting change for those committed to transforming their vision into reality.

Key Benefits :

Immediate Shift:
Experience swift relief and accelerated progress toward your goals, enabling a quick shift from current challenges to desired outcomes.

Enhanced Intuition:
Gain profound self-awareness and trust in your inner guidance, leading to decisions that deeply align with your true desires and purpose.

Empowerment for Lasting Change:
Move beyond temporary fixes to master a method that offers rapid, permanent shifts, propelling you into your dream reality.

Want to learn a little more?

How does your method differentiate from others in personal development?

My unique method emerged from a deeply personal place—my own journey of healing and discovery. Throughout this journey, I uncovered my innate intuitive abilities, which became the cornerstone of my approach. These innate gifts include a profound sensitivity to others' energy fields, an intuitive understanding of the root causes of physical and emotional distress, and the ability to facilitate deep healing by aligning with the body’s natural wisdom. This personal transformation inspired me to further deepen my understanding and effectiveness through professional training and certifications, including becoming a Certified DECU Practitioner, Medical Qigong & LWC level 3 Qigong Instructor, Sound Practitioner, Certified Medical Intuitive, and more. By integrating these learned skills with my natural intuitive insights, I cultivated a distinct, holistic approach that not only transformed my life but has also helped others manifest significant changes in theirs.

What do you mean by 'intuitive healing'? How does it work?

Intuitive healing involves tapping into the body's inherent wisdom to identify and address underlying issues—be they physical, emotional, or spiritual. It's a holistic approach that listens deeply to the subtle cues your being offers, guiding the healing process in the most natural and effective possible.

How quickly can I expect to see results?

Results can vary based on the individual and their unique circumstances, but many clients begin to notice positive shifts within just a few sessions. The speed and extent of these changes greatly depend on your level of commitment, intention, and readiness to release resistance, doubts, and fears. Our goal is to foster impactful changes that not only feel significant in the short term but also lay the foundation for sustained growth and well-being. Your active participation and openness to the process are crucial in accelerating your journey toward lasting transformation.

Why don't you offer single sessions?

We believe in empowering you with tools for a fulfilling life, not just fixing problems as they appear. Single sessions fall short of addressing all root causes and don't allow for the comprehensive reprogramming needed to break free from self-sabotaging patterns. Our approach is designed to equip you with lasting solutions and strategies, guiding you to overcome challenges and live a life of wellness and satisfaction on your own terms.

What is Qigong and how can it benefit me?

Qigong, an ancient self-healing practice, combines movement, breath, and mindfulness to elevate health, diminish stress, and boost vitality. This holistic approach is rooted in the principles of Qi, your life force, and Gong, the skill of cultivating this energy.

It's a transformative tool that played a crucial role in my own healing journey, rejuvenating my body and infusing my life with clarity and confidence.

-Boosts Health: Strengthen your body's defenses and improve overall vitality.

-Calms the Mind: Melt away stress, anxiety and find inner peace through focused breathing.

-Energizes: Recharge your energy levels, feeling refreshed and alive.

Ready to experience these benefits for yourself? Join our Qigong sessions, available both in group settings and one-on-one, all online. 

How does your art influence the energy of a space?

Much like how I intuitively connect with someone's energetic system for healing, I can also sense the unique vibrations of a place or the natural world. My artwork captures these vibrant energies, mirroring them through bold, vibrant colors. As mentioned in Feng Shui's principles, each piece elevates a space's vibrational level, fostering harmony and well-being by infusing it with nature's balance and energy.

Copyright ©FabienneLouis {2024} All Rights Reserved.

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